September 28, 2011

Are comedians funnier if they are fat?

Jonah Hill in 2007's "Superbad" (left) and at an event in Los Angeles in July, 2011

This article written by Susannah Gora and is titled "Are comedians funnier when they're fat?" This article discussed comedian Jonah Hill, who has recently lost a lot of weight, and how jerks on twitter say he's not funny anymore because he's not chubby. Now, wait just a minute. Last time I checked, "funny" and "fat" should not be synonyms. However, as Gora points out, "With fatness and funniness so closely linked in the public perception, audiences may feel that when a chubby comedian sheds weight, there’s just less of him to love." (Gora 1). I personally strongly disagree. Losing weight does not change someone's comedic ability. Other celebrities are struggling with their health in their career as well; Ricky Grievous, Seth Rogan, and Arnold Goodman. I do understand that one's weight can become a celebrity's "identity", but adapting a healthier lifestyle shouldn't effect audiences views on the persons skill or personality. If you were a true Jonah Hill's fan you would be happy for his improved health.

Susannah Gora uses a lot of pathos in this article. She makes the reader look at the relation between physical appearance and mental skill or ability. She seems to want the reader to realize that just because Hill is many pounds lighter, he's not less funny- only less fat. She also uses other professional opinions and direct quotes who have experienced the conflict between personal health and weight versus their professional career. Arnold Goodman, recently starring on "Son's of Anarchy" says, "I wanted to lose weight because I knew there was a scene with my shirt off," Arnold explains, but "the director thought it would add more pathos if I did not lose weight, and would make people feel more sorry for [Gyllenhaal’s character]." There is professional reason behind the "fat-ness" of some characters, but when the person's health is in question and they cannot change the situation around for the better without "career suicide"(Gora 1)- just not right.  The author uses a variety of examples of scenarios where this funny versus fat situation has occurred. So moral of the story is that Jonah Hill lost some weight but that doesn't mean he's lost an comedy skills. So stop critizing him- it's not funny anymore.


  1. That's such an absurd thing that a person would even think that less fat equals less funny. Anyone remember Drake and Josh? Josh lost a lot of weight throughout the entire show and personally I thought the show only got better as it progressed.

  2. It bothers me when comedians use their size in their acts; it's a bit that becomes tired very quickly. That goes for all the skinny comedians doing fat jokes as well: come up with some more original content! Only then will they regain some of my respect.
