January 24, 2012

Pay Hundreds of Dollars Not to Eat!

Gwyneth needs her organic wine, and she needs it now.
           Gwyneth Paltrow says "Buy my overpriced cleanse!"... okay not really but that's the truth. Who would want to pay hundreds of dollars  ($425 to be exact) to not eat anything but protein powder-ed "food" and a bunch of pills and vitamins? No thanks, not me. Oh but the occasional Glee guest star uses it- oh wait, still no thanks. As Williams  says, "Suddenly, deep fried stuffing looks better and better." (Willaims 1).
            The author basically hates the idea of a celebrity advertising for a cleanse for hundreds of dollars that probably won't even work. I actually think she's jealous of Goop. She writes as an added note, "Goop does note that the invitation to cleanse is 'not intended as medical advice' and is 'just a suggestion,' thereby covering Paltrow’s toned, slender butt." (Williams 1). Then she basically humiliates Paltrow's credibility and asks rhetorical questions like, "Not Emmy-winner Mariska Hargitay, who says that the system “has changed my life.” Not celebrity divorcee Demi Moore, who calls it “the best!” Mmm mmm, what could be better than a “filling” 90-calorie shake composed mostly of rice protein concentrate, rice bran and rice syrup solids?" (Willaims 1). She also deems her  “tone deaf… Marie Antoinette” (Williams 1). 


1 comment:

  1. I'll pass on the $425 cleanse, not really necessary for the average person.
