October 6, 2011

Danger-Yes... Liability- No....

“This activity and your participation in that activity can cause serious injury or even death, and you hereby agree to assume all risks related thereto.”      
       Would you sign this liability contract? Well that quote is taken directly from the seven page waiver that participants must sign to participate in the Cave Creek Bull Run in Arizona. The article initially caught my attention because of it's title: "Running of the Bulls is Risky, but Liability is Low." It just sounded interesting. The premise of the article is discussing the upcoming bull run in Arizona. After participants sign their life away, literally, they can join hundreds of other sprinting down a quarter-mile track being chased but douzens of 1,500+ pound bulls.  There are millions of dollars in insurance coverage for everyone involved, and rightfully so. The waiver also includes the statement that basically states “you, your neighbor, your cousin and your cousin’s brother can’t sue anybody about any of this.”  (paragraph 5- direct quote from Immordinno) Personally, I wouldn't do it.
       The author, Marc Lacy, lets the reader form their own opinion after reading te article. It has a similar tone of a news report or interview, with the main focus being on Phil Immordinno the event organizer. Throuhgout the article Lacy does a good job of staying unbiased. He tells all opinions from all sides. Some animal activitists think it's cruel, the participant see it as "a thrill of a lifetime", spectators find it "insane", town officials approve as long as the insurance cost is met, and the mayor thinks that "whenever you mix bulls and humans in this kind of setting we have enough evidence from Spain that there can be problems...I will hold my breath until it’s over.” (Lacy). Also, he highlights the danger of the activity by using diction like "risky," "insane," "thrilling," and "inherently perilous" (Lacy). As Hemingway pointed out, "sprinting ahead of a herd of snarling bulls certainly makes the heart beat faster" (1)- Talk about an adrenaline rush.



  1. One of my friends got picked up and thrown by a bull -- she was protecting her son, and she was just mildly sore afterwards. True story.

  2. wow! that's lucky... I've gotten thrown and trampled by a horse... and was more than "mildly" sore after- and they don't even have horns...
