November 16, 2011

Facebook Secrurity Breach


             This article by Hayley Tsukayama, discusses the recent security breach of Facebook profiles. This widespread attack has cause graphic images to appear on some peoples profiles which raises concern about the websites venerability to hackers. Hackers were granted access to accounts by tricking websites to copy and paste a url in their browsers which gained them personal information and access to edit their accounts. The company is working on tracking down the hacker accounts that are responsible and fixing the problem. Facebookers are not happy.
             The article was pretty straightforward and to the point. It was simply a summary-like article that included what will most likely happen in the future along with what's going on now. The seriousness of the problem was represented in the author's diction. She uses words like "one of the worst security breaches in history" and "unprecedented" (Tsukayama). She explores possible solutions to the problem along with how it came about. She uses ethos evidence when she writes, "Daimon Geopfert, a security expert for RSM McGladrey, said that this was one of the largest Facebook attacks he has seen. The scale and speed were “unprecedented,” he said." (Tsukayama). This proves readers that this is actually a big problem and people aren't overreacting. I also thought it was funny ( but very true) that the author wrote "The presence of the photos upset many Facebook users, who took to Twitter to say they were weighing whether to deactivate their accounts." (Tsukayama). Sounds exactly like something our society would do... one social networking site having problems?- go complain about it on another.


  1. sounds familiar :) great minds think alike

  2. Hahaha... I heard of all of these ridiculous pictures on facebook. I am just very glad I don't have that issue. But seriously, what hacker enjoys putting nude pictures all over facebook?
