November 13, 2011

Ashton Kutcher's Massive Twitter Fail!

         Wednesday night Ashton Kutcher tweeted “How do you fire Jo Pa?” he wrote. “#insult #noclass as a hawkeye fan I find it in poor taste.” He then, of course, got slammed by his eight million followers. These horrified followers were quick to deem him an "idiot", among other things. Kutcher's mistake was really how he dealt with the whole ordeal. He halfheartedly apologized, admitted himself to have acted stupidly, and  then explained that this media outlet was getting 'too much for just one individual' and is now going to turn his feed over to his editorial team. Eventually, he did what I think should've been done in the beginning, he deleted the offending post and sincerely apologized in his own words. "But here’s what he shouldn’t do: wuss out. And that is exactly what Ashton Kutcher did." (Williams 5).
          The author, Mary Elizabeth Williams, uses other examples of celebrities who have felt the fire of twitter an social media. For example, Cee Lo Green after he tweeted a critic who didn't enjoy his show "must be gay". You can tell the author has an opinion throughout the article. She writes, " headlines across the world have made clear, the legendary 84-year-old was not ousted this week because of his age or his job performance. Instead, he was fired for his lackadaisical response to charges that former assistant coach Jerry Sandusky allegedly sexually abused a young boy in a campus locker room....You’d think Kutcher, who has his own anti-child sex trafficking foundation, would keep himself more abreast of the major child abuse scandals – especially those that allegedly involve that trafficking of human chattel. Apparently he didn’t get the memo." (Williams 2-3). She also voices her opinion in paragraph seven when she asks, " Really, dude? You have power and reach enough to use your Twitter celebrity to raise funds to fight malaria and you can’t handle your own “platform”? A “platform” largely devoted to people telling each other what bar they’re sitting in at any given moment? That is so effing weak." (Williams 7). I couldn't have said it better myself. She also deems Kutcher a hypocrite. She explains, "He even threw in a self-deprecating picture of himself standing next an “I’m with stupid” sign. Ah, was it just last spring that Kutcher boasted that he “only played stupid on TV”?" (Williams 4). She accuses him again after she mentions him handing over his platform to his company. She responds, "That’s pretty pathetic, especially from the man who just two weeks ago tweeted glowingly about the “willingness to fail.”"(Williams 9).Well Ashton Kutcher, it doesn't really seem to be your month, does it?

1 comment:

  1. There always has to be a celebrity in the hot seat or in the misted of a scandal and lately it has been Ashton.
