November 11, 2011

Outside Reading (#2)

     "And she wondered if maybe you could not go from [hypothetical] brother and sister to boyfriend and girlfriend, add that much more love and commitment, without feeling too close for comfort." (Picoult  461)    
          I finished my outside reading book, The Pact by Jodi Picoult, and really liked it! Picoult used a ton of ethos evidence to get under the readers skin emotionally. I also liked that she really did her research on the legal court and psychological aspects and conditions brought up in the book- all of which were interesting to read about. I think she really exemplified the ripple effect that occurs after the death of a seemingly perfect young teenager. She also ventures into the many masks of guilt and truth, inviting the reader to discover the difference between what they know and what they thought they knew. Her writing really captures the relationship between husband and wife, best friends, brother and sister, and high school sweethearts and how those relationships can evolve with time. The story was, for the most part, a love story; but, there are little fragments of mystery thrown in which made it doubly enjoyable to read. My only complaint was that I basically knew how it was going to turn out in the end. It's like I knew the plot was probably going from A to B but I couldn't figure out the truth of how it was going to get there, or why. Jodi Picoult did a good job of relating to the majority of her young adult audience and the book, especially towards the end, was a page-turner. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes a powerful romance or engrossing mystery, and it completely lived up to my expectations.

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