November 10, 2011

now its TWENTY kids and counting...

         I'm sure most of you know TLC's famous family, the Duggars. Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar have announced that they are expecting. Again. This article brings up the freakishly large family and also the seemingly unnecessary public scorn that is thrown at them. I think if they want to have more kids, why not? However, I think Michelle should be careful because her pregnancies are getting more high risk- I mean there's only so much one body can take. Especially with a history of preeclampsia, Michelle could face some serious health issues. The public seems to think this entire thing is outright enraging. I don't really see how it's effecting anyone expect the Duggar family so the extent of the public scolding is ridiculous. It's their choice, and their problem (or blessing, depending on how you look at it), not the public's.
          The author, Mary Elizabeth Williams, uses a lot of quotes from the Duggar parents that show that they are excited and feel blessed to be expecting another child. This seems to override all the negative things the public is saying. She also uses a personal experience to express her thoughts as all children to be blessings. She belives, "The Duggars are similarly holding steadfast to their belief that miracles don’t look the same to every set of eyes. And they see baby 20 as just as much of a blessing as No. 1 . The Duggars’ blessings aren’t yours or mine. They’ve made choices few of us would, but they’ve determined to accept them with as much grace and gratitude as they can muster." (Williams 10). I thought that was a very true and raw thing to say and it stuck in my memory.  With a lot of ethos emotional appeal, Williams also throws in a bit of humor. She writes, "– the fact that Joe Bob Duggar’s sperm count is to fertility what Ted Williams’ batting average is to baseball. Off the freakin’ charts." (Williams 4). Overall, the article was enjoyable and interesting to read.


  1. This is why I hate TLC.

    Attention is like a drug to families like the Duggars. Even at her relatively advanced age of 45, Michelle chooses to have more children, which is dangerous for both her and the child. I think the family is making reckless decisions to try and keep whatever fame they have. I'm not judging the family like the article claims other people judge the family; I just think that their having more kids all for the wrong reasons, and they should stop before it begins to take a toll like it did on the Gosselins.

    There is no learning on TLC, as the name of the channel might have you think. Instead, it encapsulates viewers by appealing to their inherent fascinations with situations which are not common in modern society. As a result, the children grow up in a state in which they are not privy to a normal life with normal experiences; they are born into a forced existence. The Gosselin children now have to deal with their parents' divorce, which was obviously a direct result of the fame of the television show. TLC should recognize that giving these people attention just to improve their ratings is immoral. But that won't happen anytime soon; at least not until other families are left in ruins.

  2. I personally think that people should not have that many children. I would rather see the money that they spend to pay to feed that many kids go to the less fortunate.
