November 4, 2011

Voldemort Hates Twitter

           This article exemplifies the popular adult opinion that twitter, facebook, texting, and other shortened and technological ways for communication is rotting the brains and harming the social skills of young people everywhere.Ralph Fiennes, who plays Lord Voldemort, bashes the new popular forms of communication and claims that language has "eroded" and the "deeply ingrained idea that if it’s not a lot of words on a piece of paper, it’s meaningless" (Williams, Fiennes 4). I personally 100% agree with the authors stand on the topic. She writes that Fienne has "bias that ignores the fact that a tweet is not attempting to be a think piece for the New Yorker. Or that the world is full of people who can articulate an idea in 140 characters and still read and enjoy a Jeffrey Eugenides novel. "(Williams 4). Exactly! i can still read Shakespeare and be a s0cial pers0n evn if i use twitter and faceb00k and send txt msgs like this. If someone is dumb enough to write a school paper in the abbreviated online and informal fashion, then they probably have issues bigger than the fact that they use facebook like the other 3 billion people who do as well.
             The author, Mary Elizabeth Williams, is her usual pun-y persona in this article. She writes comments that include "Like!" after a statement she agrees with, poking fun at facebook. She also ends the article with the line, "The challenge, for both kids and adults, is to not lose that love along the way — and to maintain the distinction between emoticons and emotion." (Williams). I thought that was sort of funny in a lame way. She does a great job of telling the reader the positives, negative, underestimations, and overreactions of people about digital communication. She then supports her own opinion with personal experiences and examples that encourage the reader to agree with her thoughts. Her writing style is casual and friendly which makes this article enjoyable and easy to read.


  1. I <3 lord voldemort. He's my favorite character. Even though the article had nothing to do with the dark lord, it was still interesting! Nice job
