December 9, 2011

The Insane Wealth of Walmart's Founding Family

           This article is about the simply fact that the six people that are heirs to Walmart's fortune has a net worth equal to 30% of Americans. Think about that for a minute. Six people, have the same amount of money as the poorest thirty percent of Americans entire population. Wow, okay then. I suppose it makes sense when you consider the amount of money Walmart pours in each day; there's practically a superstore at every corner!
         The author uses mostly logos evidence. Using percentages and dollar amounts to force the reader to realize just how wealthy these people actually are. There is also some ethos evidence involved when the author writes "by Sylvia Allegretto, a labor economist at the University of California at Berkeley’s Center on Wage and Employment Dynamics." (Elliot). This shows the reliability of the source and encourages readers to believe the information presented.  The articles ending seemed abrupt at first but then a link was provided to read further on the Walmart fortune heirs on a different website.

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