December 7, 2011

Viral Video Turns a Bullied Teen into a Star

            This article was about a gay teen, Jonah Mowry, who has been bullied since first grade and made a video this past August sharing all of his scars, emotional and physical. The video has since gains over five millions hits on youtube and spread around the internet through facebook, twitter, tumblr, youtube, etc. His story is a sad one, but he explains that he is stronger than the bullies that torment him. Since the recent popularity of the video, and the encouraging comments from celebrities and the sharing of similar stories for other teens, Mowry seems hopeful. He posted another video where he thanked all those for being nice and shouted out against his haters wearing a smile. It proves that the internet is a way for someone to get their point across, and in Jonah's case, create a viral sensation and bullying controversy.  For those you who haven't seen it, the video is heartbreaking. I felt this article was even more appropriate because this week is inclusion week in school. Nobody should be bullied, especially for simply being who they are.
           The author uses a lot of pathos evidence in the article. She plays up the solemn emotions of the poor teenage boy and portrays him as a victim (which he is).  She recognizes the seriousness of bullying and also discusses the big picture of things. In addition she also leaves the reader with a message, "Mowry’s story — the outrage he’s provoked, but more significantly, in the poignant chords of compassion he’s inspired — proves how powerful one kid with a webcam can be. These days, you can make a difference by showing your wounds and shedding tears. But most of all, if you really want to piss off the enemy, the best thing you can do is go on living." (Williams).   I think thats a very powerful message to go along with a powerful story. The article is very straight forward and also includes many comments form other people that provide a connection to the public audiences thoughts on Mowry's video.

1 comment:

  1. I saw this video and was heartbroken. This boy has suffered and been through so many tough situations than anyone else and he is only in the eighth grade.
