January 1, 2012

The Polar Bear Plunge

           This article was about the annual polar bear plunge into Boston Harbor on New Years Day. Now, it was a short and very brief article but I chose it because I have participated in two ''polar bear plunges" before, so I wanted to see what people had to say about it. In my personal opinion, this particular plunge was somewhat pointless. It sounded like a bunch of crazy friends running into the frigid waters on New Years Day. That being said, there's nothing wrong with a little fun, but I prefer freezing my butt off in the middle of winter to support a charity. My first plunge was last New Years Day with some of my family because, well, peer pressure to join in from my cousins and uncle. The only thing I got out of it was bragging rights, a picture, and a freezing body that even a hot shower can't fix. The second one was over last February vacation was a fundraiser to support Special Olympics and not only was it more involved and organized, I also felt like I was helping someone and making a difference to those kids-along with the pictures and bragging rights. It was much more "worth it".
         Now, as for the article, it was very short and brief. The author probably thought everyone involved belonged in an insane asylum. She described each persons appearance as if they were some sort of different species. "She stood on the beach shivering in her one-piece black Speedo bathing suit with her son Eoin, 11." (McCabe 1). I just felt it was pointless, shes just a normal person who went out to have a little fun with her family- who cares what color bathing suit she's wearing? The author wrote this same type of description for each of the participants that were mentioned as if she needed to clarify to readers that they participants, were in fact, average human beings. I think people, including the author complicate things. You just be brave and jump into the freezing water whatever your reason may be. The end of the article somewhat displays this; "[when] asked for advice on how to brave the water, Brown said “You just run and fall in.”" (McCabe 1). Exactly. I just felt it was a silly question. I guess you have to experience it first hand to fully understand it; the author clearly thought the participants were all insane.(which to some degree- you have to be)



  1. I don't think that I could ever take the plunge, but I applaud you for your efforts to support a good cause.

  2. Yeah... I don't think I'd ever have the guts to do that.
