March 7, 2012

The small, sexist joke that became a big deal

the tag found on a pair of mens pants

           Here we go again... This simple laundry tag tried to be funny and BOOM, media outrage. Leave it to us to make a huge deal out of something small. Anyways, the article was about a laundry tag that had  “Give it to your woman – it’s her job.” printed underneath the standard wash tumble dry instructions. Ha Ha very funny. It really shouldn't have exploded in the media like it did. Yes it is pretty demeaning, saying that men "wear the pants" and women wash them. But, in reality people need to learn to take a joke- and that's coming from a laundry-doing girl herself. Who even reads the wash instructions on tags anyways? 
          The author wasn't so quick to laugh it off. She believes that they took it too far. She thinks its a "pretty bold boast for a cheap pair of ugly chinos, if you ask me." (Williams 1). She's frustrated with the sexism jokes and ties in the effects of social media like Twitter that helped spread the disgust. I think she was really just trying to comment on "the revelation that somewhere, men’s trousers are telling them to pawn off their dirty laundry on the nearest set of ovaries was not met with universal amusement." (Williams 1).  Williams uses some humour to match the tone of a silly situation, but she also repeatedly points out that some people consider it a serious issue.


  1. hahaha, if I saw that I would laugh, but then I would proceed to do the laundry, then the dishes, and make dinner... but only after I finish dusting!

  2. Haha Mikaela's comment is so sassy! It was suppose to be funny, but companies should know that people will take it to the extreme.

  3. This is hilarious. People are so serious. But it's also offensive. Or am I just saying that because I'm a woman? Not sure, but I probably shouldn't be thinking about things that concern men and not women when I'm cooking and/or making sandwiches...

    ... yeah. I mean I'd probably cut out the tag on my pants and put on the cork board in my room if I had these, because it's funny... because I don't do laundry.

  4. I actually like the role of women say, in the fifties. I mean it would suck sometimes but I like the idea of having a manly man to provide for my children. ..Then again...I am an independent young lady..
