March 14, 2012

Will Red Meat Kill You?

           The Harvard School of Public Health has recently discovered that "just a single serving of red meat per day dramatically increases your risk of death – by 13 percent. The odds of developing cancer or heart disease start around 14 percent — and they climb even higher for people who eat processed meats like hot dogs and bacon." (Williams 1). Well that's unfortunate. The issue doesn't really affect me personally very much. No, I'm not a vegetarian, but I don't eat red meat very often. I'll have an occasional burger at a summer cookout or a little piece of steak if thats what's for dinner, or some bacon when we go out to breakfast. I really don't like it very much. This study is just another reason to start cutting down on red-meat consumption. 
            As the beginning of this post shows, Williams uses a lot of logos evidence. Those statistics show just how dramatically red meat can affect a person's health. She also adds her own opinion in at the end of the article, and what role red meat plays in her own life. She explains that being a sometime red meat consumer is beneficially because you get all the health benefits, and you don't have to stress out about being a dinner guest at another persons house or a restaurant menu. Eating healthy doesn't mean going hungry- and that's something I strongly agree with. I feel like her target audience is adults, but I think any teenager could understand the article as well. The question is whether they care about the topic. She also adds some humor to appeal to her audience. " Damn you, bacon." , "It doesn’t have to be a struggle against the Grim Reaper three times a day plus snacks." are just a few examples. (Williams 1).

read the article here: 

1 comment:

  1. I love steak ! oh well, i guess that i am going to die early
